Saturday, October 27, 2012

Primary Theme 2013

At church (I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) I'm currently serving in the primary, which is for children ages 18 months through 11 years old.  Each year we are given a theme by the general leadership in Salt Lake City, Utah to teach to the kids.  Each yearly theme is supplemented with monthly themes and scriptures.  This year our theme is "I Am a Child of God" and I'm really excited about it. 

We're going to use the armor of God analogy found in Ephesians to teach our monthly themes.  Partly because I LOVE the analogy and partly because it's a good way to get the kids (even the little ones) involved and hopefully understanding a little more.

This is the outline I made.  I used one I found on and just adjusted it to better fit this year.  Tara did an amazing job with the same annual theme a few years ago, I've loved it from the first time I came across it and now I finally get to use it! 

In January we'll talk about our missions here on earth and how we need to be outfitted to better complete them.  Then we'll get out our picture/drawing of primary kid(s) (one of two I haven't decided yet) in large paper doll form.  I was thinking I'd use one of those large tri-fold displays and keep it in the front of our primary room each Sunday.

As we introduce each monthly theme from then on, we'll add an article of clothing (or armor) to our primary kid(s) to help cement the ideas in the kids heads.  I also really want to talk about how important it is that they each pray about what they're learning so they gain strong testimonies of their own.  I'm excited and can hardly wait to get started!!

If you'd like a copy, send me an email (right hand side, near the top)!

* 12/18/2012 Update: I posted different ideas on how to go about making your dress up Armor of God boy or girl here.  Good luck!!

* Update 12/27/2012: I finally chose my Armor of God Guy and added my own pieces, you can read about it here.


  1. Hi Leah, I was on Sugar Doodle looking for some ideas also. This is Susan from Cascade 7th. That is a great idea.

    I was curious which bullentin board would you like? The large one or the one at the front by the West door? Either is great with me. Those are great ideas.
    Susan :)

  2. I love your idea! Do you have a picture or file with all the armor parts? Maybe a website where I could find and print them out.

  3. Susan - I think I'm not the Leah you're thinking. :) I'm from Riverdale, Utah.
    Kari - I don't right now. I've found a few pictures of armored kids I like, but nothing with them seperated. My "mission" for the next month is to either find of make my own. Either way, I'll post about it and let you know!

  4. This is such an awesome idea. I appreciate all your hard work on making this idea so complete. Thanks so much.

  5. You should check out this illustration of the armor of God. I love it. The entire blog is filled with AMAZING clip art!!

  6. oops, I forgot to include the site for the armor of God clip art. AMAZING
