Monday, January 7, 2013

A Little More Faith in God

After going through the Faith in God booklet (a program to help kids ages 8-11 practice the gospel principles they've been learning about and increase in faith) to make an index for the teachers, I decided I wanted to do something during our Sharing Time Lesson also.

Just a quick aside, I am in charge of the children in my local church (with a group of 3 other wonderful ladies) ages 18 months through 11 years old for two hours every Sunday.  Those 3 to 11 attend a class for one hour and attend Sharing Time for the other hour (our church is 3 hours long).  During Sharing Time we have an opening time that includes talks by the kids (and a few other short things), a lesson time and a singing time.  I rotate monthly with 2 of the other ladies for the lesson time.

Now, back to the business at hand.  In addition to asking the teachers to tie in the Faith in God program with their lessons, I wanted to do it during Sharing Time.  I knew I wanted to the activities to go along with the months theme and lessons we will be teaching as closely as possible. 

After thinking about it and going back over my index (I'm really loving that index), I chose one Faith in God activity for every month.  Then after thinking some more (no slow jokes, please) I decided the easiest way for all of us to remember what we're doing every month would be to make up some labels. 

I lose paper.  I try really hard to have everything organized, but eventually, I lose track of and forget stuff.  Every year we are give a booklet (the size of a magazine) detailing all the themes and lesson ideas to be used every month.  I haven't lost that (yet) and so I made some mailing address sized labels to stick on the pages figuring it would be the easiest way to not lose and not forget to include the Faith in God activities.

Here's what one page ended up looking like.  I put the month (of course), which section of Faith in God I found the activity in, and a short description.  We'll still need to look at our Faith in God books for the full description, but these labels should serve as a great reminder.

For my months, I plan to make up a little something to send home with the kids reminding them and telling their parents what they are working on.  While I'm aware that many of the kids won't complete each and every activity, I know that some of them will get done.  And just like with the teachers, I feel it is my job to provide the kids with as many opportunities to learn and grow as I can.  After that, it's up to my kids and their families.

If you're involved in primary (or have been), how do you use the Faith in God program?

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