Thursday, April 11, 2013

Chocolate Chip Pretzel Caramel Cookie Heaven

A few months ago I pinned an amazing dessert on Pinterest.  Well, what looked like an amazing dessert.  In fact, it looked so amazing, I finally decided to make it (okay, that was a month ago, it still took me a while to get there). 

I have this bad habit of pinning lots and lots on Pinterest and then letting all those fun, yummy, interesting, awesome pins just sit there.  Day after day.  Poor pins.

But not this one.  Yesterday, I made it!

Don't they look amazing?!  They taste as good as they look.  If you're a fan of pretzels that have been dipped in caramel and chocolate, you'll love these! 

Here's a link to my pin and if you want to get straight to business without any additional clicking, here's where you can find the recipe for this yummy cookie.  The recipe is only for 2 dozen cookies and as I'm pretty sure that equates to not being worth making, I doubled the recipe and got about 3 1/2 dozen...I must have made them too big.  Whoops.  Although, the size was good for eating.  Maybe that just means I should triple the recipe next time (he-he).

Around the same time I pinned these, I also pinned a recipe for brownies with similar ingredients...I think I'm going to have to try that one next.  Yep.  If you want to follow my recipe board (or just check it out), here's a link.

What's your favorite recipe pin?  Leave me a link and/or description, I'd love to check them out!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'd love the brownie recipe - could you please email me it?

    would really appreciate it - I love brownies
