Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sweet Pretzel Pinning

A few weeks ago I made some amazing cookies, super amazing even, Chocolate Chip Caramel Pretzel Cookies.  Yum-yum.

They were so good, I was dying to try another, very similar recipe I'd pinned around the same time. 

These Caramel Pretzel Brownies look pretty good don't they?  I adjusted the recipe a little bit by adding the same caramel bits that were in the cookies and mixing the pretzels in instead of leaving them on top.  I also added some caramel to the top, a recipe I've been wanting to try since I heard my sister raving about it.

There was enough left over after drizzling to fill a regular bread sized loaf pan.  The caramel turned out awesome.  Even more awesome?  It's 5 ingredients and only takes 6 minutes to cook!

Okay, after trying out the brownies, I like the cookies way better.  Although, my husband LOVES the brownies.  You see, I like all sorts of stuff in my brownies and it seemed like these would fit the bill, but somehow, they just turned out kind of like regular brownies (which are my husbands favorite).  I think I would have liked them better if I'd went ahead and poured all the caramel on top instead of drizzling.  Hmmm....I might just have to try it again later.

We're going to be making some savory pretzels tomorrow in honor of National Pretzel Day, do you have any favorite pretzel recipes?

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