Monday, July 15, 2013

July Family Home Evening Plan - Week 3

Week 3
I love choosing a family night that goes along with either the monthly primary theme or youth theme. 

For me, it's more fun to do one that goes along with the youth theme because I don't already know what it is (I'm in primary right now) and it helps me to talk more with my tweenager about the gospel and what she's learning in Young Womens.

But, I thought some of you might not have a youth aged child or you might be involved in the youth program and have more fun connecting with your primary aged kids, so I'll put an idea on here for both (although, if you want more FHE ideas that go along with primary, you can check out my Sharing Time posts, many of them center around fantastic FHE ideas I've found that you could use at home!).

This month in primary we're learning about our families.  We're learning about why it's important to have them, what kinds of things help them grow closer together and closer to Christ, how the priesthood blesses families and about how temples are so very central to the family.  Do you look at that list and thing, holy cow, that's a lot of topics?!  Yeah, me too.

So, let's go another direction (although if you feel your family needs one of those, please by all means, use one of those wonderful gospel topics as a base for your family night!), this month we are also studying the Family Proclamation and there is a wonderful family night about it on A Year of FHE.  It is simple and has some very fun handouts.  Fantastic!

The youth are spending the month talking about Ordinances and Covenants.  I found an FHE on Parenting in the Latter days that would work fantastically for younger children and can be adapted easily to work better with older kids.

She has you tell about Captain Moroni and then fill in your own Title of Liberty.  Instead of, or in addition to, using the standards she has listed, you could use the standards for From the Strength of Youth with your older children.

Good luck!

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