Monday, August 19, 2013

2013-14 Back to School Pictures

A few weeks ago, one of my husbands cousins posted back to school photos and I thought, "Those are cool, I should do that."

Then, while on Pinterest I saw some really cute pictures where the kids are holding signs showing what grade they're in along with the year and I thought, "That's cool, I should do that."

Unfortunately, I said it with the same conviction that I use when I pin masses of really cool things telling myself that I'm going to try them all someday.  Ummm, probably not (although I do make an effort to try some of it out).

And then I decided I'd do it (but for real this time).  iHomeschool Network is doing a "Not Back To School" month and one week is for photos.  Sometimes I need a deadline to push me in the direction I want to go.  Yay for deadlines!

Makenna is entering 7th grade.  Can I stop for a minute and say I can hardly believe it?  Okay, I feel better now.  She's smart, funny and a very good mini mom.

Ben is a lover.  He's a little on the serious side and has an amazing imagination.  He's going into 3rd grade and I've homeschooled him the longest, it's our 3rd year and he still loves it.  So do I.

James is my smiley, charismatic 1st grader.  His smile can light up any day.  When he chooses to.  Which, unfortunately for me, wasn't this picture. 

Josh isn't officially in school, but he sure likes to tag along after his brothers and do anything they're doing.  He's my "Me, too!" kid through and through.

Just in case anyone looked through this post and thought, holy cow, they dress like that for school?!!!  I wanted to make sure you know the truth.  I decided to take back to school pictures the day before our first day of school, which ended up being Sunday just before church.  I thought the actual morning might be a little hectic without throwing pictures into the mix.

Also, in case some of you are under the illusion (even after reading through some of my posts) that everything is always perfect around here, I wanted to disabuse you of that notion as well.  This is how my children are in a normal day.

(they even get help from their siblings, sort of a "how to" for craziness)
That's us.  Slightly crazy, but in such a wonderful way (I think at least). 
Have a wonderful start to your new year!!


  1. Ha! Ha! Love the silly faces! Looks like a fun group of kids!
    Hopping over from the Not back to school hop

  2. visiting from the blog hop:) We love the crazy pics too;)
