Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sharing Time - August Week 3

I found another fun attention getting activity while looking around over the last few weeks (I can't remember where I found it, although it was probably Mormon Share) that would work great to introduce getting answers to our prayers. 

Bring in a quarter and ask who would like to have it.  After every ones hands go up, tell them that they can (as you put it on your head) as long as they can get it without touching your head. 

We have a jar full of craft sticks with all the kids pictures and names that I'd use that to choose a few volunteers to come up and try.  Most likely, no one will think of a way to get the quarter without touching your head.

After giving a few kids a chance, tell them that you're surprised no one thought to ask you.  You would have been glad to help them get it off your head, if only they'd asked.

Compare this to the Sharing Times over the last few weeks where they've been learning how, where and when to pray.  We can NEVER get an answer to a prayer unless we ask.

Once we've asked, how do we know when we've gotten an answer?

Use the scriptures listed in the Sharing Time Outline to help the kids learn some of the most common answers to this very good question.  I thought it'd be fun to have them try to match the scripture with the answer.  Except have the answer all scrambled up.  I have scrambled words for Senior Primary and scrambled pictures for Junior Primary.  I also have the scripture strips to draw out and unscrambled versions to show once they figure out what the wordstrip or picture are supposed to show.

So, you'd call someone up to draw out a scripture (or pick one).  Next, look up and read the scripture.  Then, figure out which mixed up word strip or picture (that you have displayed up front) the scripture is talking about.  And last, discuss what the scripture teaches.

Senior Mix Up
Junior Mix Up

Give them all a chance to search the scriptures for the answer to their questions, which right there teaches one of the ways prayers are answered, THE SCRIPTURES!  I know it takes a while, even with Senior Primary, to have them look up each scripture, but it teaches an invaluable skill and tool they will need to use throughout their lives.

As you go through and match each scripture, take a moment to ask if anyone has had an answer to a prayer in this way.  Be sure to be ready to share your own testimony and love of prayer as you progress through.  They will feel your love and remember it even when they do not remember anything else!

Have a wonderful Sharing Time,

If you're searching for a little more inspiration about this month's theme, check out my August theme post!


  1. thanks so much i was unable to download senior mix up?

  2. Thank you for the helps! YOu are so sweet to share and say nice things. : )

  3. I had no problems with Sr., but Jr. said "no preview"...

  4. Ha! Me again...sorry me not cant still download the Jr., there is just no preview.
    I'm done commenting I think. : )

  5. Roxie - you might want to try again? I checked and the links are good. If you get the preview you click on the down arrow all the way to the left in the bar near the top of the screen. Good luck!

  6. Got it to work.. thanks so much, you save me hours of work!

  7. I love all your sharing time helps--What are your plans for week 4 since it is the same topic?

  8. I'm planning to use a game with different examples showing how prayer has been answered. It's up this morning if you'd like to check it out.

    Thank you everyone for the kind words!! I really appreciate them.

  9. Loved week 3 sharing time idea! Did it yesterday and it was so simple yet very spiritual. Thanks so much for all you do!

  10. So, this is the 3rd time in a row that I've searched for Sharing time ideas and find I like yours the best. Thanks so much for sharing!
