Sunday, September 1, 2013

September Sharing Time - Week 2

 Last week we studied Christ's example so we could better learn how to serve others.

This week continues that theme through the study of some of our prophets and apostles. The Sharing Time Outline suggest using four specific prophets from the scriptures and modern day.
As with any good idea, I think the more the better, so I'm adding in a few of my own.
King Benjamin
Joseph Smith
Brigham Young
Thomas S. Monson

Before primary, I'll get pictures of each of these amazing examples from our library.  I was thinking about printing off my own pictures so I could pin them on a board (which you could still do), but I had another idea last night.  Before the kids get there I'll put up the pictures on easels all over the room.  I like the idea of the kids being surrounded by the pictures, by these great examples.
After doing a quick review of what we learned during the first week, I'll tell them we aren't done learning yet and ask where else they can look for help in learning to serve.

I'm pretty sure the pictures all over the room will give them a clue to do direction I'm headed, but I'll make sure to listen to all their answers before honing in on this weeks focus  (I will make sure and mention that we learn from their teachings as well as their examples so I can tie this in to General Conference which is only a month away...YIPEE!).
I'll have the kids come up one at a time to draw a clue out of a basket. After they read it, we'll try to decide together which prophet/example it's talking about. I'll make sure and tell them that each example will only have two clues, so if they want to put more than two on someone, they'll have to do some reconfiguring (I'm going to use the sticky, tacky stuff to temporarily stick each clue to the library pictures).

If you'd like a copy of the clues I plan to use, I've uploaded a pdf for you!
After we stick the correct two clues on one example, I'll pause for a minute and ask the kids to think about what their life teaches about service.

What does it teach them that they can actually DO?! I absolutely love that ours is a gospel of action (although it does on occasion terrify me also) and know through my own experiences that it is only with action that our testimonies are truly grown and strengthened. I want that for each of our primary children.
After we're finished with our clues (or we've just about run out of time), I'll share a story of how service has blessed my life and then close with this quote by Elder Carol H. Amada from the Seventy,

“Service makes us strong in our faith and useful in His kingdom. Service gives us purpose and courage in life. It bring us closer to God and helps us refine our divine nature. It teaches us to love and understand our fellowmen, and it helps us forget about our personal desires, eliminating selfishness, pride, and ingratitude. It teaches us to think of the needs of others, which allows us to develop the virtues that the Savior possesses.”
Who couldn't use a little more faith and courage in their lives? I know I could.

Thanks for letting me share and grow with you every week!



  1. Just found your blog, as I was searching for supplementary ideas for Sharing Time this week--thank you so much for sharing! I love the idea of having the children surrounded by the great examples of the prophets, and tying each one off with a "what can we DO to be like this prophet." Also, it's good to find a fellow "wife, mother, homeschooling mom, and Primary leader"--woot woot!

  2. thank you for your great idea. I had something else planned but decided to change it to this. not to worry though with 5 weeks and only 3 topics I have next week ready too. :)

  3. I LOVE your sharing time ideas! I love how they are simple, get the children involved, follow the ST outline, but have more meat to them. LOVE them! Thank you!!

  4. Thank-you so much for sharing your ideas on here! Such a big help for me, and the kids always really enjoy it! Thank-you Thank-you Thank-you!!!

  5. So awesome that you put all your hard work out there for us to share! Thanks for the time and effort.

  6. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  7. Love it! Thank you so much!

  8. We just had our Stake Conference, so we're doing week 2 this week (since there are 5 weeks). I sure appreciate the great idea! Thanks!

  9. This. Is wonderful!!!! Thank you so much for sharing!
