Sunday, November 3, 2013

November Sharing Time - Week 2

I have a confession to make.  When I first started in Primary (I can't believe it's been a year and a half already), I sort of thought the Sharing Time Outline was okay, but I didn't use it for much other than a general guideline of what subject to teach on.

After several months I decided to start blogging about plans for my upcoming sharing times.  Then I decided to share ideas every week and promptly got burned out trying to find time to spend hours looking for ideas and posting about each of them.

I prayed and thought about what to do and had a brilliant idea.  I know it's brilliant because I've had this idea before, in fact, I've had it a lot.  I needed to simplify.

I thought about what that meant and about what my favorite part of preparing sharing time ideas was and then, I found a solution.  I would find something to make (which I love) that would make using the outline easier for you (and me, too).  While following my plan, I've found a greater appreciation and even (dare I say) love for the Sharing Time Outline.

Keeping things simple and following the outline a little more closely has also allowed me to focus more on the spiritual side, which has been an unexpected blessing.

So, why am I telling you all about this today?  Well, I'm pretty much using the entire outline this week and only the outline.  It's pretty perfect.

First, talk about temporal blessings and what they are.  I've got both pictures and words to go along with all of our senses in the downloads.

Temporal Blessings Pictures
Temporal Blessings Words

Next, stick the categories up on the board and use the rest of the pictures/words to talk about some of our blessings.  It doesn't matter if the kids stick them in the category I did, many of them can easily fit into multiple categories.  The important thing is to get them thinking.  Ask them where and then how each picture/word fits.

After you've put their picture/word up on the board, ask them how they can show their thanks for that blessing.  If they need help, make sure to let them brainstorm with the other kids.  I've learned (both from primary and homeschool) that children are very smart and inventive and usually only need us to be willing to give them a minute.  Their answers will often be different than what we might have given, but great answers.

As you go through the blessings, make sure to take the time to share any personal stories you might have, along with your testimony of the wonderful blessings that surround us each and every day!

Have a wonderful week,

ps. I've been working on some more fun printables for next year (2014) and I'm almost ready to put them up (you can check out my first set on this post), check back soon!!


  1. Just what I was looking for! Thank you so much!!!

  2. I had the same epiphany recently - the outline is given to us for a reason. The Gospel is pure and simple and sharing time can be super successful being simple as well.

  3. Thank you so much for your time and share with us your excellent idea.
    Graciela M.
