Sunday, November 10, 2013

November Sharing Time - Week 3 - Spiritual Blessings

Continuing from last week, ask the children if they were able to find ways to show their thanks for their temporal, or physical, blessings.  Encourage them to continue to SEARCH for their blessings everyday, we are promised that as we look for our blessings, we will remember things we hadn't even noticed during the day. 

To transition from the temporal blessings of last week into this weeks theme, you could ask the kids if there are any other ways we are blessed and after listening to and discussing their answers, direct them to the scriptures. 

I could see the junior primary being stumped here, not sure what other ways we can be blessed and I think this could be a great opportunity to remind them that whenever we have a question, we ALWAYS have somewhere we can turn, the SCRIPTURES!!  Even senior primary could use a reminder (heck, I could often use one as well).

I love getting into the scriptures with the kids.  Take the time to make sure they really understand what these scriptures are telling us.  I would stop after the first verse and either re-word it myself or ask for a volunteer to tell me what it said in their own words.  God gives many gifts through the Spirit to help us, to make us better and to help us grow. 

Then, to involve the kids and keep them listening closely as you read (or have a volunteer read) through all the gifts, ask the kids to either stand or raise their hands as they hear a gift.  You could ask whoever stands first to tell you what they think that gift is, what it might mean if they had it and how they could use it to help others or give an example of someone they think does or did have it and how they use(d) it to bless those around them.

The last verse teaches us that these gifts come to each of us.  More than one of them to each of us.  How AMAZING is that?!

After reading through the scriptures, I made up a matching game to go along with each of the gifts to play.  If you wanted, you could wait to talk about each gift until the matching game (and as they find the match, have the person who finds it tell you about it).

I made two versions, one uses words from the scriptures and the other uses pictures to depict the words.  I also have a pdf of the scripture I made if you'd like to use that in your primary.

Matching Game - Words
Matching Game - Pictures

Hope your sharing time blesses you and your primary!


  1. I just came across your blog today .... you are amazing - what a great resource you are to so many in Primary!!! I have found so many wonderful ideas!!! Thank you for all the time you put into helping others!

  2. Thanks for your wonderful ideas!

  3. Thank you for the time you put into creating these! They have been SO helpful to me.

  4. May God grant you the time you need to get things done as you help me (and all of us) with such fun ideas for sharing time!Thanks for serving and sacraficing!

  5. Thank you so much for your post! I was having trouble really feeling very excited about this sharing time and your post has changed that. Thank you!!

  6. Thanks for this! Your take on the lesson plan is so helpful. Even though I'm not doing the matching game, I'm using all 3 files you shared. I'm having the Primary kids match the picture to the words as we discuss the gifts to speed things up.
