Sunday, December 29, 2013

Favorite LDS Primary Calendars and Schedules

After searching through the reports of the previous primary presidency and browsing through Sugardoodle, we decided on a variety of calendars and schedules to try out.

After more than a year I have some definite favorites (you know, the ones we actually use).  I love two separate calendars and two different directories.

These are all updated for this year and if you click on the link on the bottom of each picture, you can download the excel file and add your primary's information!  Yahoo!

I love reports.  I love excel.  I love making things lines up and look all organized and pretty.

This is the report I stick on the back our my binder and on the inside of our closet door.  It's got every lesson for every class at a glance, along with who's in charge of Sharing Time, the month's theme and song.  I love it.

This calendar is in 3 pages (I couldn't make it smaller and still fit everything) and has lots of important dates.  We've got birthdays, entrances (into nursery), baptisms, advancements (into Young Men and Women), activities and even a section for extra notes at the bottom.  Plus, we also stuck the scripture, song and theme at the top.  I love this one.  A lot (okay, I just love them all).

I know what you're thinking, "Why in the world would you make your own class list when you can have one printed by your Ward Clerk?"  Well, the answer is that you definitely don't have to, but I find it handy for a few reasons.

First, I can add kids that aren't on the records of the church (part member families where the children weren't blessed) so we can visit them and let their teachers know they're out there.  

Second, I can make notes and attach them to the children.  For example, I can let a teacher know they shouldn't visit (because the parent has asked not to be), I can make note of how to get into a basement apartment, or show relationships when the records are attached to someone who's not the parent.  Or anything else.

This list not only keeps track of everyone in primary (the second page has the presidency, chorister, pianist and all non-Sunday callings) but helps to keep track of how many kids are currently in each class, how many are attending (on average) and when each member of the primary was first called.

Being organized and able to have the information I need at my fingertips takes a big load off.  It helps everything run smoother and, well, just looking at the beautiful organization just makes me smile (I might be a little strange).

I love all these and hope they can help out some of you also!


12-3-2014: I've updated the calendars for the new 2015 themes, if you'd like to download them (or just check them out), click over to this post.


  1. I just found your blog. I am the Primary President in our ward. I am absolutely loving everything on this. It is like a gold mine. I used your Week 4 sharing time idea today and it was a hit with the kids. Thank you for all of these schedules and lists. It was on my agenda to do this week and you have saved me tons of time. Thank you! Thank you!!

  2. I just became Primary President two weeks ago. I am in great need of everything you post. haha Thank you for sharing your ideas with us. I'm so happy I found your blog.

    1. I have just been called to Primary President - what order does everyone do Sharing time in? Opening Prayer, welcome, lesson, music, testimony, closing prayer?

  3. Love these! Thanks! However, am the only who is having trouble getting them to download? When I click on a link it just takes me to a blank google docs page. I am totally LOW tech so I am sure there is probably something easy I should be doing to make it any tips appreciated! :)

    1. I would try a different browser, sometimes one will decide it doesn't want to play nicely, but another might. If that doesn't work, email me (it's on the right hand bar up near the top of my blog) and I can send them to you.

  4. These are brilliant! Thank you so much for making them available!

  5. Wow, Wow, wow. Thank you! I just got called as the Primary President of a brand new ward and have never served as one before. These look like absolute life savers! Thank you!

  6. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I was just called as Primary President and this page has been more than beneficial! You are a blessing!

  7. I love this! Will you be posting one for the upcoming new year? This will be so helpful in my ward, thanks for posting!

    1. Yes, I'll be posting them soon. Hopefully this upcoming week.

  8. I absolutely love your calendars, so organized! I was wondering if you make the originals available for download so people can customize for their own ward?

    1. Underneath each picture is a link to download the editable file. Once you get to google docs, you need to download or save it to your computer and then you will be able to edit it to fit your primary.

  9. These are the greatest thing! Are you doing a set for 2016? I would love to be able to use these for the planners I want to make for our presidency for Christmas>

  10. It sounds like you are a very busy woman. I too am wondering if you are publishing for 2016?

  11. yes!!! looking for 2016 as well!!!

  12. Excellent website you have here: so much cool information!.. Danilo
