Wednesday, January 15, 2014

My Three Favorite Things About "The Mother Daughter Book Club"

Last summer I went up to my in-laws to visit with one of Steve's cousins who was passing through town.  One of her daughters was reading a book that sounded very interesting and when I got home, I wrote down the title so I'd remember to check the library later.

Later happened about a month ago (yeah, I know, a little on the slow side) and I'm so glad I finally took the time to look for it!  It's actually a whole series of books called The Mother Daughter Book Club and although I've only read two so far, I LOVE the whole darn series (trust me, I know).

No. 1
I love that the story is about a bunch of real girls (and real moms), they aren't perfect and they change throughout the books.  They grow and learn, they're advised and helped by their mothers, they make a few more mistakes and then they all come together in the end.  It's not only heart warming, but through watching (reading about) these girls, you get to learn some great life lessons. 

In the first book one of the characters has to choose between friends who are "cool" but mean, and her book club friends who love and support her no matter what she does.  Not to mention that her book club friends have had to forgive her for having previously chosen the "mean girls." 

No. 2
In each book in the series the girls and their moms read through one book together in their book club.  Each chapter heading contains a quote from the book they're reading.  I LOVE the quotes.  They're pretty amazing.  They usually relate somehow to the chapter, but they are pearls in their own right. 

In the second book, the club is reading through the first couple Anne of Green Gables books and, I have to say, Anne Shirley is one smart cookie.  One of my favorites is when Anne tells Marilla that she finds comfort in the fact that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it.  What a comfort it is that we can begin each day anew!!

No. 3
After starting the series I have found a great desire to start my own mother daughter book club.  I love that when they meet every month, they not only talk about the chapters they've read, but they also discuss and learn about the author's life.  How fun would that be?!  Plus, they get to deepen friendships and eat treats.  Could it get better?

Even if I'm not able to find some willing participants, Makenna and I are going to choose a book to read together.  We can talk about the characters, who we think we're like, learn about the authors and try to imagine ourselves in another world (either from the authors life or the books they've written).  Most of all, we can grow closer together (don't tell Makenna, she might groan and roll her eyes, even though I know she'll like it too).

I would love to hear about any fun, inspiration and GOOD books you've read recently!



  1. What a fabulous idea! What age is this series geared to? Is it something you can read out loud with your daughter (mine is 9)?

    1. Amazon says the age range is 9 - 12 years (although I really like them). I would be comfortable reading them with my daughter is she were 9. The stories are fun and they would provide opportunities for some good discussions if either of you wanted.
