Wednesday, February 12, 2014

2014 Winter Olympics

First, is everyone else out there loving the Olympics?  I'm not sure what it is, but I can sit there and watch it for hours.  Maybe there's some sort of hypnotism going on.

Second, am I the only one who never realized the opening ceremonies don't actually OPEN the Olympics?  Preliminaries in many events start before the ceremony.  I know, this really shows how novice I am at watching the Olympics, but it really seems like an opening ceremony would, you know, open it?

Third, I found the perfect activity for my kids to do to learn more about the Olympics.  It's a great (and it's only a quarter!) lap book.  If you aren't familiar with lapbooking, it's a fun and simple way to get your kids into any subject, one small project at a time (and by small, I mean 10-15 minutes!).  All you need to complete the activities is 3 file folders per child, a printer, scissors and glue.

And the activity?  Each of the folders covers a different part of the Olympics.  Folder #1 covers the history of the Olympic, folder #2 is all about our modern day Olympics, and folder #3 gives the kids an opportunity to learn about some of the different events this Olympics.

I know the Olympics have already started, so you might think it's too late to get started, but the only section that is really time sensitive is the third and thanks to the internet, you can still watch who won with your kids (or tell them, or have them write their favorite thing about that specific sport or an interesting fact about it instead).

We've been having a lot of fun learning about the Olympics and putting together our lapbooks...just look at Makenna.

We'll be finishing up the first folder this week.  We started pretty slow, but have picked up speed the last few days.  I'm still not sure we'll finish it before the closing ceremony, but I don't mind. 

I was even thinking today that if I had my plate full, I might pick up the lapbook file anyway to use for the next Olympics.  It wouldn't take much to alter a few parts for summer Olympics in two years. 

This is one of my favorite projects we've worked on this year, what's yours?


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