Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What a Wonderful Valentine

I know it was last week and all, but I have to share with you how well our Valentines went. 

The reason it went so well?  I had very little to do with it. 

Well, that's not entirely true, but I did make myself stand back and not participate other than to say things like, "That looks awesome!" because I have a tendency to think everyone is doing things wrong if it isn't the way I'd do them. 

Before we got started (minutes before, while my kids were outside on lunch recess) I got on Pinterest so I could copy and paste some starting off points.

This is what I ended up with. 

As they came back inside, I told them they could make whatever they wanted.

After they got over the shock (maybe some slight exaggeration), they ran to get some crafting supplies and dug in.

They all sat there for MORE THAN TWO HOURS!  Every one of them (ages 4 through 12) LOVED making various heart animals, naming them and creating elaborate back stories for each and every creation (okay, that last one was mostly just the 12 year old). 

I couldn't believe how little work it was for me and how darn much fun they had.

To keep myself close enough to nod enthusiastically at their creativity, but far enough away to allow for it to happen, I made some sugar cookie dough on the other side of the kitchen.

As it was rolled and ready, they came over and cut out various heart shaped cookies, because, you know, it isn't really a party unless there's food involved. 

I'm sorry, but it's true.

We'd planned to decorate them after they'd cooled, but my super amazing husband came home early and took me out.  Surprise!

A few days later, as I was going through the pictures on my camera, I found this one...

I guess they decided to decorate a few without me. 

So, the moral of the story is, structured creativity (is that a real thing?) is good for my soul, but letting the kids take off on their own is pretty darn long as I'm not too close.

Hope you had a FANTASTIC V-day!


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