Sunday, December 28, 2014

2015 Primary Monthly Posters - Part 1

Today, I have for you the first six months of primary posters.  YAY!!!

My posters are simple because my main goal is for the kids in the back of the room to be able to see them on Sunday (we use them every week).  We go over the theme and scripture each month and so that's what I've put on the poster. 

Of course, I did cute it up a little, too.

Here's what they look like. 

You can right click and save the posters as a jpg, but if you keep scrolling to the bottom, I'll have a link where you can download either a higher resolution zipped file of jpg's or a zipped file of pdf's.  

I decided to change the background every three months.  Just for fun.  January, February, and March all have little tiny polka dots and April, May and June are striped.  I'm keeping it nuetral, but mixing things up a little bit.

I also made two different April posters (did you notice yet?).  In our primary we memorize the monthly scripture each month, except sometimes the scripture in the Sharing Time Outline isn't actually the whole scripture.  So, I've got one poster with only the piece of the scripture included in the outline (the second one) and another with the whole scripture (the first one). 

Just in case any of you would like the whole thing like me.

So, what do you think?  If you're a fan and would like to use them you can download your choice of jpg or pdf (or both if you'd like) here.

January - June Primary Monthly Posters - JPG
January - June Primary Monthly Posters - PDF

I'm going to be posting about my bulletin board, names of Jesus monthly family home evenings, spotlight board and birthday gifts throughout the rest of this week (I talked about my early ideas on this post), so check back!



  1. Hi, Leah! Would you mind making a Portuguese version of your monthly posters? I could give you the translation. Hugs from Brazil.

  2. Seriously, you are amazing!!! Thank you !!!!!

  3. these are amazing thank you...we are the only ward in our building and i have 4 boards to decorate. i need all the help i can get. thank you again.
