Friday, May 1, 2015

2015 Primary - Names of Christ FHE & Sunday Outline - Part 2

Don't fall over. 

Yes, it's really me.

No, I didn't die.  Promise.

Life does take us in unexpected directions.  I thought I would feel a need to post more, but I haven't. 

I have still been hard at work both with school and primary.  I even have a present for you.  It's the last half of the Names of Christ FHE's and Sunday outline!! 

I got them done a few weeks ago and thought it was high time I got them posted.  I hope those of you that have been using them are enjoying them.  We have been in our primary and at my home. 

So, without further ado, here are the links:

Names of Christ FHE

Names of Christ Sunday Outline

I hope your year is going beautifully.  Remember to take the time to do the things that bring the most joy into your life.  Everyday.


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