Monday, October 22, 2012

Book Review

I finished an amazing book yesterday.  I don't usually like books that make me sad and the only thing that rescued this one for me was that it didn't stay sad forever.  It's a book about hope and finding your way through amazing hardship.

Don't get me wrong, the whole beginning is strange and hard in an almost uncomfortable way, but that's life.  No, this book is not real (at least not in a biography sort of way), but it is realistic fiction.

I just started laughing because as I'm typing that it's realistic fiction, I remember describing Sarah's symptoms (the main character) to my husband and watching the expression on his face turn to something along the lines of, "Seriously?  This sounds about as real as those fantasy books you love."  But Sarah's condition is real.  Crazily and unbelievably real.

It was so good I read it in just more than a day.  I didn't want to put it down.  I HAD to know what was going to happen, how Sarah's life was going to turn out.  If you're looking for a good book, go pick up Left Neglected by Lisa Genova.  You'll finish it thankful for your life and ready to squeeze all the loved ones a little harder.

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