Thursday, October 18, 2012

Conference Tree

I mentioned earlier how I was trying some new things with my kids (and with me) to help us know the prophets and apostles in our church better.  Here is one of those ways.  One I was and am SUPER excited about.

I found this idea on Pinterest (wahoo for Pinterest!) a few weeks before General Conference and instantly loved it.  The kids and I made a tree before conference and put it up on the wall.  Next we printed out leaves from the awesome blog where we found the idea for the kids to color and write on during conference for EACH of the apostles.  I had intended to do up some blank leaves for the rest of the speakers, but never got around to it and decided afterwards that smaller is better sometimes (partially because it made me feel better and partially because it really is true, promise). 

After each session of conference, we stuck some of our leaves on the tree and by the end, I think it turned out pretty great.

In the upcoming weeks we'll talk about the different talks and what the speakers have asked us to do.  After reviewing (on 3, 5, 8 and 11 year old levels) we'll set a goal to work on for the next week (or so).  Then we'll take the leaves from that speaker off the wall so the leaves will be falling as we are following our leaders!!!  I'm so excited to use this as a way to keep General Conference and the prophetic counsel we are blessed to be given in our minds more than just twice every year (conference is held every April and October). 

As excited as I am, I am also of the slightly pessimistic persuasion and know that even the best laid plans don't work exactly as intended.  So, I'll keep you posted on some of our goals and how it's really working for us.  Although, on a positive note, just making the tree and leaves has been pretty fun so far.

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