Friday, January 25, 2013


Here it is.  I've hit a few speed bumps this week, but I finally got it done.  I really need some daily accountability for those things that I never seem to make time for and think this just might be the ticket.  I both really like to check things off and really hate to have an unchecked box staring at me.

Just staring. 

So here they are.  None of them are huge at first glance (or maybe second or third to some of you), but they are all pretty big for me and I'm excited to see what a difference accomplishing/working on them will make in my life.

What resolutions are you working on?  Do you want to work on?  If you've made some, but have slowed down or haven't quite had the courage to get to your list, you can do it.  No matter how many times you fall down, all you have to do is get back up again.  I tell myself if toddlers can do it, then I can to. 

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