Friday, May 3, 2013

Changes for Primary Sharing Time Weeks 1 & 2

Even when I make plans, I often decide to do something different or maybe just a little bit more.  The second is what's happened in this case.  I wrote about weeks 1 and 2 for Primary Sharing Time earlier this week and I decided to do a little more work on it.

I've added some quotes and pictures to the post that I'm going to use for my lesson, so please hop back if you'd like to check them out.  I would be happy to send them to anyone who'd like to use them!

Hope your plans are going wonderfully!!


  1. Hi Leah,
    I printed up your pictures and quotes from the prophet or apostles, but don't know who is being quoted in each one. Can you help me out--I really like your ideas. Thank you. June

  2. June, I can send you my cheat sheet, but I need your email address, mine is on the top right if you don't want to leave yours in a comment, just email me and I'll email you back!

