Monday, July 1, 2013

July Family Home Evening Plan - Weeks 1 & 2

I've thought about switching from doing a monthly plan to posting every week about our family night plans.  Or maybe, posting after we've done our family night so I can tell you how it actually went. 

I've thought about it a couple of times and each time I think about it I decide that I really like the monthly plan.  It gives me a framework to, well, work from.  Having a whole month planned out actually helps me feel like I'm being flexible because I can choose which topic I want to work on each week (I don't necessarily do them in the order I post them). 

Plus, I'm doing them much more consistently now.  It's so great to be able to open up this page every week and know I've already got multiple ideas just sitting here, waiting for me. 

Before I get started, here's a quick review of my family home evening purpose. First and foremost, our family home evenings are a place for us to be together, helping each other grow. To meet this purpose, I try to plan family home evening's that helps my daughter meet some of her Personal Progress requirements and my son pass off some of his Cub Scout achievements. In addition to this, we focus on teachings found in the most recent General Conference talks whenever possible.

Week 1
We always spend the first part of the first Monday talking about and checking progress on our 2013 goals. If you haven't made any yet, it's never too late! The kids love to set their own goals, see what everyone else chooses and setting a few for our family as a whole. It's a really great experience that we all love.

Last month I talked about some really great family night ideas I'd found that center around our country, which are absolutely perfect for this time of year.  Once you click over, scroll down to Week 4 and you'll find links to each family night on: the Star Spangled Banner, Patriotism, Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the US Constitution.  We'll be doing the Patriotism lesson for our pre-fourth activity.

Week 2
This is my second follow up lesson from last month and is called Hunting for the Good in Others.  It's another file folder family night I'm finally starting to use.

Last month we talked about working on replacing bad feelings in our home with good feelings by treating each other kinder. 

To expound on that theme, this month we'll talk about how we can choose to see the good in everyone.  More than that, that there is something unique about each of us! 

We'll talk about how negative comments can weaken us, but positive ones build us up.  Then we'll tell a story about some big game hunters who learned about the beauty of all God's animals while on a hunting trip in Africa.

It'll be fun, quick and will hopefully keep everyone thinking about how we each affect those around us.

Weeks 3 & 4
Okay, I'm on vacation right now, visiting my family and I'm having too much fun. 

In fact, I'm having so much fun, I don't seem to have time for much of anything else, so I'm going to stop feeling stressed about it and just enjoy my family while I'm here.

What does that mean?  It means I'm going to post my last two family home evening ideas next week, after I'm back home.  It means I won't be posting much (if at all) for the next week. 

But, please check back next week for more fun!!!

Thanks so much for all your kind thoughts,

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