Friday, August 30, 2013

September Sharing Time Theme

This month we get to teach our children how they can "serve God with all [their] heart, might, mind, and strength." 

Does anyone feel like they're an expert on this topic?  On any of these topics? 

Good, me either.

I'm pretty sure one of the biggest blessings of this calling is the necessity of learning all these wonderful truths a little better so we can bare testimony of them to our Primaries.  It's one of the biggest blessings for me.

Elder Carlos H. Amado said, "To teach His doctrine and to serve our fellowmen are two responsibilities that we accepted when we were baptized.  This converts us into true servants of Christ."

So great!!  Not to mention pretty darn inspirational.

Throughout the month we first learn how to serve through the examples of our Savior, prophets and apostles.  Next, we learn that we serve God when we serve others.

I love the tie in here with last months prayer theme.  Last month we learned that our prayers are often answered through other people.  This month we learn that we can be that other person and help to answer the prayers of others by serving them.

Pretty great, huh?

I read through a few articles on service and these are my favorite two:

Elder Amado's talk titled, Service, A Divine Quality.

Elder Dallin H. Oaks first talk after being sustained an apostle titled, Why Do We Serve?

The Blessings section in Elder Amado's talk is amazing.  I ended up highlighting the whole thing and wrote something along the lines of "Holy Awesomeness" along the side.  And it is.

Elder Oaks talked about six different reasons we might choose to serve.  He said, "These scriptures make clear that in order to purify our service in the church and to our fellowmen, it is necessary to consider not only how we serve, but also why we serve."  It's a little less directly applicable to the theme this month than Elder Amado's, but great food for thought.

If you're adding armor pieces for your armor of God guy, this month's part is the Breastplate of Righteousness.  The breastplate protects our heart, which we use to serve our Lord with all our "might, mind and strength."

I've also made up some handouts for the kids to encourage them to memorize this months scripture.  As a little additional encouragement, we reward them with a smartie as they pass it off (because they've proven themselves to be smarties).  If you'd like a copy, you can click the link above.

If you'd like some extra ideas for your Sharing Time, check back each Sunday!

Have a great month,

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