Sunday, September 29, 2013

October Sharing Time Theme

This month we'll be talking and learning all about how we can share the gospel with everyone and anyone.  Throughout the month we'll progress through three different topics: how living the gospel helps us share the gospel, how we can share the gospel with our family and friends, and that our testimonies are strengthened when we do choose the share the gospel. 

With General Conference we will only have three weeks of lessons (even though it has all four weeks in the outline).  I love the idea of using one or two of those three weeks to have either the ward mission leader or your local missionaries in to teach (or both).  I like it so much, that's what I'm doing my one open week for the month (we're having sacrament program practice two of the weeks, so along with conference, there's just one week left for lessons).

Don't worry, I'll still be posting ideas for the three weeks, there are so many fun ideas to teach the kids about missionary work.  My favorite is being able to show them how many different ways there are to be missionaries.  Elder Bednar said, "We are missionaries every day in our families, in our schools, in our places of employment, and in our communities.  Regardless of our age, experience, or station in life, we are all missionaries."

Every day!!  Sometimes when the topic of missionary work is brought up, I get a shrinking feeling.  The one that tells me I just might not be doing all that I could.  Instead of feeling inspired, I sort of want to pull the metaphorical blankets over my head (and sometimes not so metaphorical).

Fortunately, about that time I usually come across something so inspiring I instantly feel strong enough to toss off the blanket and get back to work.  Last week I read an article by Anne C. Pingree where she quoted Sarah Cleveland, an early Relief Society leader, "We have entered into this work in the name of the Lord.  Let us go boldly forward."

So let us!

Two wonderful talks about missionary work and following the Lord are:

Becoming a Missionary, by Elder David A. Bednar
Knowing the Lord's Will for You, by Anne C. Pingree

I loved them both, have quoted from them both in this post and will probably continue to throughout the month.

If you're adding to your Armor of God Guy, this month we're giving him his Belt of Truth.

I thought about having the kids help me come up with different ways we can share the gospel and write them on the different sections that are hanging off the "belt."  I still might, or we might just talk about how we have beautiful gospel truths that would help so many people, if we can have the courage to share with love.

I also have next months scripture to share, we really love having the kids learn the scriptures.  Plus, I get to learn them, too, which is an fantastic side benefit.

You can download this handout from Google Docs if you want to use it in your primary (or home).

Check back, I'll be posting ideas for Sharing Time every Sunday throughout the month!

Have a wonderful month,

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