Sunday, October 27, 2013

November Sharing Time - Week 1

The whole month is all about thanks (pretty appropriate for November) and this week we're focusing on our bodies. 

I've mentioned before how much I love taking any opportunity to get the kids in the scriptures and the Sharing Time Outline gives a great idea.  One that I tweaked just a little bit.

First, make sure all the kids have scriptures and send a runner off to the library to get some more for those who've forgotten (or you could pick up a bunch before Sharing Time). Choose a child to come up and draw out one of the scriptures from the Encourage Understanding section.  And then have everyone look it up before reading through it.

I found pictures to represent everything the scriptures tell us to Do, Do Not, and Blessings.  After you read through the scriptures, have the kids try and figure out what the scripture is telling us and which picture that relates to (we are told to be thankful and eat fruit twice).

After they match the picture, decide whether it's a blessing, a to do or a do not and stick the picture in the right category.

As you're sticking it under the right header, you can talk about how they can follow that counsel (or how that blessing can help them).  Use specific examples, like you could eat an apple for a snack or if your mind is full of energy, you will do better on your spelling test.

As you get finished, you can take a few minutes to let the kids set a goal for the next week.  Have them each choose a different do or do not they want to focus on (and either write it down or draw a picture about it).  If you don't have time, or don't want to take the time during Sharing Time, you could send the paper home with them to finish with their parents.

You can download the files I've put together from Google Docs.

Categories   (this file is too big to preview, just click the download button on the screen that pops up.  It'll then tell you that it's to big to check for viruses, are you sure?  Click yes and it will download)

The perfect ending to every Sharing Time is sharing your testimony.  Even though our bodies don't always work the way we want them to, we are still blessed to have them.  Better yet, those hard things are only temporary.  We will each have a perfected body, every single one of us, what an awesome blessing.

Have a wonderful week!


  1. Thank you for this Leah. I will be using this with our Primary in Pukekohe, New Zealand this Sunday!
    I appreciate you sharing your talents with us!

  2. This is wonderful - thank you for sharing your ideas and materials!

  3. This was perfect. Thanks for sharing all the pictures. I used them in my sharing time in Iowa today and it was a success. The kids were very engaged with all the fun grateful people like you take the time to share what they've done!
