Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Families Are Forever - Primary 2014 - Printables!!

I've found that the more I make for next year, the more I think of to make.

While it might sound great, it sort of creates the problem of never quite being done, so I decided I had to pick a temporary stopping point to take the time to get what I had done ready to upload.

I hope you enjoy using these as much as I've enjoyed making them!

First, I have the graphic I made just to go at the top of my posts about next year.  I was surprised so many people wanted it (sans my "watermark").  So here is a link to download that.

Families Are Forever jpg
Families Are Forever pdf

The subway art is made from the monthly themes throughout the year.  It's a smaller bookmark (there are 4 to a page in the download) so that they can fit in smaller scriptures.  If you'd like, you can punch a hole in the top (in the circle) to tie a ribbon/yarn/something else cute.

Chapstick Label
I used the same subway art to make these simple and cute chapstick labels (the label is 2.0625"x2.15").  They work best if you print them on whole sheet labels and cut them apart.  There are 12 on each sheet.

Door Signs

I made two different types of door signs.  One that includes a place for a list of class members (you'll write more than one name on each line) and one that is just the class, teacher and room.

Door Sign
Door Sign - Class Members

 CD Sleeve
After downloading and printing them out, you just need to cut, fold, glue and slide your 2014 CD's in.  I love how simple they are and how well they turned out.

I would LOVE to hear about any of your plans for next year, now that our program is over, I'm getting even more excited!  If you'd like to see the binder covers I've made, be sure to click over to this post.


Check out other printables I've made here and here.  Check back through December, there are a few more things I'm working on.

The temple I used in all of these printables is from Susan Fitch Illustration and Design, she is such a talented artist!


  1. This is all incredible! I plan to you use a couple of things. You're talented and I appreciate your hard work! :) Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. Ditto what Keshia said! I'm just so impressed with how "ahead of the game" you are. I've only been primary pres. since April, and I still feel like I have no idea what I'm doing! We're barely covering our bases right now, much less planning for next year! (It doesn't help that I just had my fifth child 3 weeks ago...) Anyhow, your ideas and resources have even so helpful to me. Thank you so much!

  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! So excited to print these out and use them for next year :)

  4. Thank you! LOVE these! Would you possibly have time to make larger subway art? I just love how you did the bookmark and the chapstick label. I would love larger sizes, 4x4, 5x7, 8x10.

    1. I did make several other sizes you can download from this post. http://soyouthinkyoucanlearn.blogspot.com/2013/11/2014-families-are-forever-extra.html

  5. Just wanted to say thank you for all of your adorable work. I really appreciate finding such great resources available.

  6. Thank you again for sharing your wonderful talent with the computer. Our Primary is planning to change the bulletin boards, binder covers, door signs, etc., between Christmas and New Year's. I was wondering if you could possibly during this busy time of year, design a border (up to 5 inches wide). If it's ok, I would like to use your "main" image and shrink or enlarge for the monthly theme and scripture posters. Let me know if you have any restrictions on the use of any of your images. Thanks again! Merry Christmas :)

  7. Leah, I would love to use this image as the whole center of the bulletin board--like about 3 feet squared. I don't know if any of the graphics you have uploaded are high enough quality to support that kind of enlargement. What do you think? Is it possible to create something like that? I really love how it looks and we are doing things with trees and temples so it fits perfectly. ~Jane

  8. These are perfect! Thank you so much for all of your effort and especially for sharing!!

  9. Thank you for sharing, you have such great ideas!

  10. Hi Leah, Thanks for sharing your printables. I am interested in taking your top square image and printing it as poster size at Costco to use on our bulletin board. The Costco photo guy said it had to be at a 2:3 ratio. Is there a download that is this big? I appreciate your time and great ideas!!


    1. I only have the download on the blog post and it's a square (1:1). Although I would think the photo guy could just print it as a rectangle leaving white area on either the sides or the top and bottom for you to cut off...but I've never had to have something printed at a print shop, so I'm not exactly sure what they can do. Good luck!

    2. Valerie, please share your experience on printing the image for a bulletin board....if you could?? ;) VERY interested in doing the same thing...thanks!!


  11. I'm loving everything here!!! I'd really love to use your tree graphic. Where did you get it? I'd love to be able to use it on our Primary board.

    1. I was thinking the same thing!!

    2. It's a graphic I've had for years (and can't remember where I got it. If you would like it, you can send me an email (mine is on the right hand bar near the top of my blog).

  12. I just wanted to say thank you for all your work! I LOVE the things you post! First time in primary and as a primary president so things like this for free make my job feel a little less daunting :) I appreciate you sharing your talents!

  13. Dear Leah,

    I really LOVE your work. Thank you for doing this for all women in primary.

    I have a question... I live in Holland and my kids are not able to read English is there a possibility that somehow I could download it and put dutch words for the English ones?

    1. It would depend on what you wanted. The only way I can think that it would work would be if I could take all the words out, put it in Microsoft Word (which you'd have to have...or something that could read a doc file) and you could add the dutch words in text boxes. If that would work, send me an email (top, in the right bar) with what you'd like to use and I'll see what I can do.

  14. Leah, I was wondering if there is any way I can print just the family and tree without the temple behind them? Thanks Debbie. Feb 3, 2014 2:55
