Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Years Resolutions - Setting Goals

Happy New Year!!  In honor of the new year, I thought I'd share a fun idea we'll be using in my family.

But, before the good idea, I have to tell you how I got there.  You know, the background.  I like background.

Several months ago, while browsing through a bookstore called Seagull Book, I came across these super cool boards.

I love goals.  I love knowing I'm striving towards where I want to be and measuring my progress against goals I've set.

While I know that there are all sorts of different ways to make goals, this isn't one I'd thought of before and to say I was excited when I "stumbled" across it would be a massive understatement.

I continued to think about the boards for weeks until one day, it dawned on me that I could make my own.  My own personalized version.

And so can you.

I made a few different versions, starting with this one.

(this version is completely editable in excel)

And this could be it.  You could fill it out, hang it up, and work on it throughout the year.

But, my plan is to use the excel version for a family night and have each member of our family fill one out. 

Next, I'll cute-ify them by copying their goals onto one of these versions (or probably a few different ones).

I've got these as jpg's, pdf's and in Microsoft Word.  If you don't love your handwriting and would there for like something editable, you can edit the pdf's if you have Adobe Professional, otherwise, you'll want the word version (I already added text boxes for you, although you can certainly change them up yourself).

2014 Goals jpg
2014 Goals pdf
2014 Goals word

Happy goal setting!


1 comment:

  1. Okay, so found your blog a couple of days ago through Sugardoodle, and I really never comment on strangers' blogs, but I love everything that you post about! I'm in the primary presidency, I've got four kids and I'm homeschooling (and I NEVER thought I would), I'm a little bit obsessed with lists and Goodreads, and I have been researching starting a garden for a little while. Thank you for all of this information, especially the homeschool stuff. It's nice to have a resource that I feel like I can connect with so well.
