Sunday, February 2, 2014

February Sharing Time - Heavenly Father Commanded Jesus Christ to Create the Earth as a Home for His Children

This week is simple.  I love simple lessons.  They force me to focus more on other aspects of teaching a lesson, like helping the rest of the primary to feel God's love.

I would suggest hiding pictures of creation around the room, drawing kids names out, and letting the kids try and find one (alternatively, you could use two sets of pictures and play memory, following the rest of the instructions after a match is made).  After they've found a picture, have them come and stick it up in the front of the room.

Only, before they get to put it up, have them tell everyone what the creation is and why that creation is important in their lives.  I'm a big fan of specificity, so I would additionally suggest you encourage them to use specific examples from their lives.  How does the sun bless their lives?  Do they love to feel the warmth of the sun on their faces?  Do they love a certain flower because their mom planted them one (that's me and it's a lilac)?  It would be more fun and maybe even more memorable.

Do you want to know what the best part is?  I found all sorts of AWESOME creation printables.  I've separated them into two groups, one to use during the Sunday lesson and one to go home.  There are two you could use to hide around the room.  One uses circles, one circle for each day of creation.  The other has a sheet for each day of creation, with a few different examples/pictures on each page.  I think it really depends on how many items you'd like to hide around the room (and how much time you think each will take to go through them).

I also found a sheet that would work great for a handout.  It's one sheet that has the numbers 1-7 (for each day of creation) filled with pictures from that day for the kids to color.  My only problem with it is that it doesn't give them the opportunity to draw their own favorites, so perhaps you could use this one instead.  I found some blank numbers and I put them together into one sheet.

If you'd like to download it, please click over to google docs.

While today is all about Jesus as creator of earth and everything in it, I love this quote by Elder Russell M. Nelson where he talks about how we are each creators:

"We are to be creators in our own right - builders of an individual faith in God, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and faith in His Church.  We are to build families and be sealed in holy temples.  We are to build the Church and kingdom of God upon the earth.  We are to prepare for our own divine destiny - glory, immortality, and eternal lives."

While I know we are to emulate our Savior in many different ways, I'd never thought about how we can follow His example as a creator.  But we can!  We create our lives every single day through all the decisions we make.

Happy Sharing Time,


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