Sunday, March 23, 2014

March Sharing Time - General Conference

I've used fifth Sundays to review lessons taught throughout the month or cover an extra topic (or holiday).  As this fifth Sunday is coming just before General Conference, it presents the perfect opportunity to get ready for it!

Last October Robert D. Hales gave a fantastic talk about General Conference.  I was particularly impressed with how he described the thought, prayer and downright struggle it takes to seek after the inspiration necessary to write and give each talk.

"Oh, how we need general conference!"

Share this love of conference and the guidance we receive there with your children. 

To me, part of loving conference is loving those who have been called to give us this inspired direction.  And that love cannot come without knowing them.

Well, maybe it can, but it can be deepened by learning about and knowing them.  In my experience (at our house) kids get so excited when they recognize a speaker while watching conference.  It makes it more personal.

To help our primary children learn a little bit more about them, I made up a Getting To Know our Prophets JEOPARDY game.

The kids will have to know (or guess) who the different apostles and prophets are after seeing their picture, hearing their birthplace, hobby, job (before becoming an apostle), or listening to a quote from October's General Conference.

You can download the game in either word or pdf formats (if you download it in word, you can change any of the information).  For both, I have the jeopardy categories and clues in one download and a cheat sheet for you with all the answers in another.

I also have the traditional 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 points to put on the back side of each clue if you'd like (only as a pdf).  Or you can just leave out that part, the kids won't know any different and it'd be 25 less sheets to print.

Microsoft Word: Jeopardy - Cheat Sheet
Adobe Acrobat (pdf): Jeopardy - Cheat Sheet - Point Sheets

I included part of another of my favorite quotes from Elder Hales talk in the quote section of the game, he said:

"We make a serious mistake if we assume that the conference is above their intellect and spiritual sensitivity. To the young members of the Church, I promise that if you will listen, you will feel the Spirit well up within you. The Lord will tell you what He wants you to do with your life."

This is what I want the kids in our primary to know.  Conference isn't just for us "old" people, it's for everyone.  The direction and inspiration found there can teach each and every one of us more about where we should be headed and who we can become.

Have a fantastic Sharing Time and General Conference!


ps.  If you want to check out a few other ideas I posted before last conference, click on over here.  Or you can look at my general conference pinterest board for even more fun.

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