Saturday, June 22, 2013

Growing, Growing, Growing

I'm having more fun documenting my garden that I thought I would.  It's pretty awesome to watch it grow (even though it's getting a little weed-ey...I've been working in other parts of my yard and neglecting my portions of the garden a little).

This is the first year I've planed my corn in stages.  I've wanted to for a while, but I was always afraid I'd plant some and never get around the planting the rest.  But I did it!  There are four sections and they're all planted about a week and a half apart.

The section above shows how much my beans have grown (I can't wait to eat some) and my tomatoes.  The one in the farthest cage is doing pretty good, but the closest one isn't.  I can't figure out why.  I've watered and told it how pretty it is and how much I'm looking forward to eating it's tomatoes (just like the other plants) and it still doesn't seem to want to grow.  Darn it.

This front section is my kids (that's why it's better weeded...mostly).  They love to come out and check how their fruit and vegetables are doing and excitedly want to show me any changes...all the time.  I should have given them their own plots a long time ago.

If you want, you can check out the progression of my garden in some previous posts.  This is when I just got started and this is a few weeks ago.

Happy gardening!

1 comment:

  1. Your gardewn looks good to me. We are having a problem getting the corn to grow from seed so I am starting some in peat pellets and hope we get corn. :)
