Tuesday, September 16, 2014

2015 LDS Sharing Time Outline - Outline

Nope, that's not a typo in my heading.  I have for you today an outline of the 2015 outline. 

I've been checking pretty regularly to see if 2015's outline was up and I still missed it.  Thankfully, a lovely reader sent me a note letting me know and I jumped right online.

After doing a little copying and pasting, I made myself an outline with the monthly themes, scriptures and songs.  I'll be using it to make posters, schedules and to help me as I'm coming up with our focus(es) for next year. 

Then I thought, maybe some of you would like it also.  Would you?

So, I uploaded it to my google drive and made it open to the public.  That means you.  You don't have to request permission to share or anything.  Share away. 

As I mentioned several weeks ago, I've got ideas swirling around for next year.  In fact, I'm pretty darn excited, but I haven't made any firm decisions yet. 

So, I'd love to hear any wonderful, fun, amazing or simple ideas you've come across or thought up yourself!!


Thursday, September 11, 2014

Getting Your Homeschool Groove On?

I've been thinking lately about how long it takes to get into a new homeschool groove.  Even if you don't stop for a long summer break like we do, there will always be times when you start new curriculum or new activities which require a slightly, or more than slightly, different schedule. 

Our first couple weeks were spent trying out our new curriculum and adapting to having an additional full time schooler I needed to help every day.  It was interesting because we swung between much shorter than normal days due to only reading through instructions and much, MUCH longer due to trying to implement those unfamiliar instructions. 

I think we're starting to even out a little bit this week.  Of course, it'll take more than one week to be sure, but after having shorter days and longer days, things seems to be settling in the middle.  I'm finally seeing our groove, thank goodness.

If you're still struggling, or just starting out, my only tip is to keep moving.  I know, it's not profound.  It seems to take time, no matter how much planning I do, I have to put in the time to feel out and adjust to the new-ness.

So, how are things going for you?  Do you have any tips to help get into a groove faster?   

Happy Homeschooling!
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