Friday, December 27, 2013

2014 Families Are Forever Bulletin Board & Monthly Posters

This year we're in charge of two separate bulletin boards, one is a square and is located in the foyer in our building.  The other is rectangular and is at the head of our primary room.

I like to make a mock up of each board on my computer so I can move things around and figure out sizes before printing anything out.

This first one is almost exactly the same as the board I did this year (2013), I just exchanged one year's posters for the next.  I liked it, but (after asking my husband if he had any ideas) I made another version.

I ended up liking this next board better because everything focuses directly on the temple. 

The second board we're in charge of is the one in our primary room.  It has two smaller boards that surround a chalk board. 

I made posters for the year that have the two parts we're most interested in, the monthly theme and the scripture (we challenge the kids to memorize the scripture each month), then I made a second version that separates the two so they'd fit on my foyer board better.

If you click on the links above, you can download zip files containing all the pictures you'd need to put that board together, except for two.  

The theme posters are their own separate downloads.  

And, I also didn't include the temple because this is the Ogden, Utah temple (or at least a rendering of what it will look like when it's finished) and I think it's important to use your own temple (You can download a picture of each temple on lds dot org and then have it printed whatever size you need.).


The temple in the Families Are Forever clipart is from a very talented artist named Susan Fitch.  You can see her other beautiful artwork on her website, Susan Fitch Designs.


  1. Thank you so much for these awesome bulletin board ideas. I thought I saw the source of the temple you use in your 2014 printables, but now I can't find it. Would you mind sharing that?

    1. Susan Fitch is the artist (thanks for reminding me I'd forgotten to include a link on this post!) and you can find her artwork on her blog, Susan Fitch Design (you can google it, or I just added a link to the post).

  2. Thank you so much for these wonderful ideas and printables! You are amazing. I have a question, though. How do you print them? I just uploaded the files to Office Depot and it says it's going to cost over $100 to print just the Temple picture! I'm new at this--what do you do? What kind of paper do you print stuff on for your bulletin board? Do you laminate it?

    Also, for your Primary Family Tree (I LOVE this idea!) do you leave just the bare trunk at the beginning of the year and add the individual leaves as you do the spotlights?

    Sorry for all the dopey questions! Like I said, I'm new at this. ;-)

    Stephanie, Southwest Florida

    1. I have a friend who can print them for me (I know, lucky me), so I'm not familiar at all with what regular pricing would be. I do know that our local print shop (not chain) prints things the most cheaply (but I'm still not sure what that would be). Sorry, I'm not all that much help in the printing department!

      We are planning to leave the tree bare at the beginning of the year and then we'll add the leaves as we do spotlights. We share our board with another ward and I'm not sure if they'll also add leaves for spotlights or birthdays or something else.

      No dopey questions. :)

    2. I use PosteRazor. Just google it. It is a free app that allows you to turn pictures into posters. It prints onto 2, 4, 6 or more sheets of paper and then you cut and match up pieces of paper (kind of like a great big jig saw). You'll need a paper cutter (that cuts straight lines, scissors won't work), a glue stick, and packing tape (and space and time). I lay out all my papers, cut (only the top and right edges), line up, glue and then flip it over and tape up the back with packing tape. I hope that helps you!

  3. Your stuff is so cute! Thanks for sharing. Do you mind sharing what program you use to create these?

    1. I use Adobe Photoshop. I have heard that Adobe Elements is very similar (but scaled down) version of Photoshop and can do a lot of the same things (it's also less expensive).


  4. Hi! This is so cute, we are adopting it as our own (but with our local temple: Washington, DC). Can you tell me what font you used for the title?

    1. If you mean the "Families Are Forever" then yes (I could tell you others, too, just let me know if this wasn't what you were talking about). :) The "families" and "forever" are AR Christy and the "are" is Syncopate.

  5. Did you create the clipart of the family that is standing in front of the temple? We would like to use the family and the temple in our primary, but are unsure of how large your images can be printed. Thanks for your ideas and all your hard work!
