Sunday, December 22, 2013

December Sharing Time - Families Are Forever Spotlight

For our 5th Sunday we'll be introducing the 2014 theme.

We're keeping things simple and will be spending most of the sharing time letting the kids fill out our 2014 spotlight after a short introduction and summary of the Families Are Forever theme.

We like to theme our spotlight on whatever the years theme is so we get to know different things about the children each year.  Plus, it helps to keep our focus on the theme every single Sunday (at least until we run out of spotlights).  And as an additional bonus, we use the spotlights when writing the annual primary program, so we're able to use the kids own words to write their parts (which I LOVE).

We are also going to have our teachers (and us) fill one out so we can intersperse them throughout the kids spotlights.  I think the kids will get a kick out of learning some more about their teachers.

I've uploaded two versions for you to choose from, one's a pdf where you can print exactly what I have and the other is the version I made in excel (which makes it totally editable, you can adjust/change questions or rearrange things).

Spotlight pdf
Spotlight excel

Have a fantastic week and a very Merry Christmas!



  1. Hi Leah,
    I love your Primary spotlight and would like to use it but there are a couple of things that need to be changed and I can't edit it. The changes are Question # 2 should be your instead of you and in question #4 it should be Jesus' example (with an apostrophe) Can you change it or tell me how to make the changes? Thank you for all of your wonderful work.

    1. I made the changes, uploaded the correct versions and updated the links. You should be able to make your own changes to the excel version, you just have to save as instead of save. Thanks for letting me know about the mistakes!!

  2. I would like to use your graphic on our bulletin board. But I just want to use the family. We are drawing a huge temple and would like to put the family you are using in front of it. Is ther any way you could email it to me? Prestonandsarah(at) gmail(dot)com
